Africa 2014 Team

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18 - We Return Dirty Everyday

Tuesday - We lost one of our best workers today to malaria. He was tested and the results were positive. He received medications so he may be back to work next week - he needs the work badly. He worked while sick and he lasted until he just could not work any longer. Pray for Eliah.

We came back to the hotel compound dirty everyday. We shower with cold water out of buckets. The hotel is walled and gated, but people can see over the upper half of the gate so they stop and stare. We feel like zoo animals, kind of a novelty around here. The children like it because they yell over the gate hoping for a treat. But, we know that God is good so we give Him thanks!

Someone tried to break into Pastor Ibrahim's house last night and they tried to enter two other homes belonging to workers. Spiritual opposition for sure! People believe that witchcraft will keep you asleep while someone robs you. We are hiring a security guard for the Pastors house while work is going on. With us here he is a target.

Church went well on Sunday. The team was worn out as the ministered to all the kids. The outreach was a lot of fun with much Congolease singing and dancing. We all dressed in the robes in the picture. There was a large group of people who attended. About nine young men came forward at the invitation to repent and abide in Christ.

Thank you all again for your prayers.



  1. Spiritual warfare for sure! Please let the team know there are many back home who love them and are praying for them daily! May the Lord keep you all safe and through you bring many more to know Him! God Bless you ALL!

  2. Love The Robes! Praying For Continued Protection & Health For The Team & The Church Body. MissYouAll, & Believe It Or Not I Miss Those Cold Bucket Showers! Love You Guys! Karla P
