Africa 2014 Team

Friday, June 27, 2014

June 26 - The Walls Are Up!

All the walls are up and concrete was poured for the stage today. They are working on completing the columns. Arches are being constructed over the top of the windows.

Thursday night we showed the movie Magdelina in Swahili inside the church under the stars. About 300 people were there. The gospel was clearly preached and many gave their lives to Christ. This all happened before the church was even finished.

One more day!

We love you guys,


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

After a crowd of on lookers gathered I was asked to speak with them again. We gave the crowd tracts as we left.

Everyone is still doing well., except for some of the allergies and sinus issues.

The woman's conference was a blessing and about 70 Congolese ladies attended. When the invitation was given about seven ladies came forward and gave their lives to Christ.

Thank you again for your prayers.

[Note: the team is tired and nearing the end of their stay. Please continue to pray for the well being, that they may endure the final days of their trip.]

Saturday, June 21, 2014

June 21 - We lost two more workers today to malaria

The fourth wall of the church foundation is going up, it includes an inside storage room and office.

We lost two more workers today to malaria - a man and woman. The man planned on beginning his medication and continue working, however We had to tell the foreman to send him home to rest. Eliah, who we lost on Tuesday, has returned to work - thank you for your prayers. These are very desperate situations.

Part of the team did some home visits this afternoon. One man we prayed for has tuberculosis. A young boy named Peter has some kind of seizures.

I shared with a witch doctor selling medicine down the street from the hotel today. He claims to be a Christian just trying to help people. It is obvious by the chicken feathers, dead animals, and demonic statues there is more than natural medicines involved in what he is selling.

Please leave your comments they are encouraging to the team.

Blessings to all,


Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 19 - People watch the work every day through the fence

Three sides of the church are up about three feet high. Everyone is excited to see it taking shape. A frequent scene is Congolese and Americans lined up and passing bricks down the line to move where needed, or carrying buckets of dirt on their heads used to level the floor.
We have literally moved tons of dirt.

to see the "mazumgus" (white people) working with Africans.

Glory to God!

June 19 - The First Bricks Were Laid

It is so exciting.......

After eight days of working on the footings and installing a septic tank, the first of many bricks were laid! By the end of the day one side of the church is three feet high.

Today, Andy ate a gecko and a big ugly brown beetle that we picket up on the construction site. I decided that the team needed more meat to eat. We sprang for another goat today and we BBQ'd it tonight. Everyone ate well and they will work it off tomorrow - I will make sure of that!

Thank you Jesus we don't have to eat lizards and bugs!

In Him,


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

June 18 - We Return Dirty Everyday

Tuesday - We lost one of our best workers today to malaria. He was tested and the results were positive. He received medications so he may be back to work next week - he needs the work badly. He worked while sick and he lasted until he just could not work any longer. Pray for Eliah.

We came back to the hotel compound dirty everyday. We shower with cold water out of buckets. The hotel is walled and gated, but people can see over the upper half of the gate so they stop and stare. We feel like zoo animals, kind of a novelty around here. The children like it because they yell over the gate hoping for a treat. But, we know that God is good so we give Him thanks!

Someone tried to break into Pastor Ibrahim's house last night and they tried to enter two other homes belonging to workers. Spiritual opposition for sure! People believe that witchcraft will keep you asleep while someone robs you. We are hiring a security guard for the Pastors house while work is going on. With us here he is a target.

Church went well on Sunday. The team was worn out as the ministered to all the kids. The outreach was a lot of fun with much Congolease singing and dancing. We all dressed in the robes in the picture. There was a large group of people who attended. About nine young men came forward at the invitation to repent and abide in Christ.

Thank you all again for your prayers.


Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 14 - Everyone is Working Hard and a Muslim Believes

Construction on the church is progressing. We moved dirt for the grading while everyone was and piling rocks for the footings.

Communication here is difficult with Internet service being intermittent. Friday Paul, Rita, and Shannon made it to Burundi boarder okay. They are on their own from there. [Editors note the following note was received at 6:21 AM on June 14 regarding the group that left on Friday: Just wanted to keep you in the loop, no worries, all is good but the team had some travel issues. Rita called, said they are in London right now (6am) and the flight they were assigned to doesn't exist. Looks like they are going to spend the night there and leave tomorrow. They are with Dan (friend from Kajabe) so all is good.  They also had the same issues with their flight leaving to Nairobi, they had to travel via Rwanda.  Love how our God works, they have a connection (Dan) in London, God got them safely to Nairobi, so they are in London for a reason.]

We showed the Jesus movie for the kids tonight (Friday) for a couple of hundred people. Then on Saturday our progress on the church got us almost halfway finished with the footings. More moving of rocks, tying rebar, and missing cement. 

Pray specifically for Sara P, she tripped and smashed her hand. It does not appear to be serious, Jamie is treating her. Sara wanted to let her mom know that she should not worry, she says she is okay.

Pray for church tomorrow, Sunday, and the evangelism outreach in the afternoon. Everyone is okay - but everyone is working hard. One of the masons who said he is Muslim wanted one of the girls for a wife. He was told we did not bring wives, but Jesus. A woman from the church shared the Gospel with him and he became a believer! Pray for Abdu.


Friday, June 13, 2014

June 13 - 350 People Treated in Three Days

We finished the clinic today with a total of about . The people who were treated had many of the same infirmities that we described in other reports. Two boys has enlarged livers from malnutrition Dr. Rita estimated that one boy's liver was twelve times the normal size.

Dr. Rita, Jamie, and Shannon did great. Isabel took patient vitals and Rebecca helped dispense medications. I cleaned sores, directed the team, and did malaria testing.

The rest of the team made great progress on the church footings. Tomorrow, three of the team will leave for home and everyone will be dedicated to the church construction. The Baraka church family has a nice celebration for the three that are leaving.

As always we ask for your continued prayer, it means a great deal to the team knowing people at home are praying.

In Him,


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wednesday June 11 - It is Amazing to See God at Work!

We worked at the clinic today. It was amazing to see God work! The combined team saw 150 patients and another 110 were asked to return tomorrow. Many lives may have been saved. There were many malnourished and underdeveloped babies who visited the clinic. We found some high protein formula tonight and bought about $100 worth. to distribute tomorrow. We are praying that through this little act of faith more lives will be saved.

The hardest patients were two baby boys who are herniated and the intestines have fallen into the general area of the stomach. The growth is like a large squash. If these boys do not have surgery they will surely die. The difficult part is the surgery cannot be done here. It would require the boys to be transported to Burundi. 

We ask that you pray specifically for these boys and all the sick. That the name of Christ would be exalted as His compassion  and love is demonstrated.



PS. - We killed a goat for dinner already. It was a gift to the team so we are having meat.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

First half of Monday was taking care of all the necessary immigration and registering with the local security officials in Baraka. The whole time was hurry up and wait.

Home visits in the afternoon and praying for people was great.

On Tuesday, construction materials were delivered to church all day long. We had a clinic in Alundja, not at the church as originally planned. Team will have to split up for construction and the clinic.

Dr. Miranda has an overview of the first day of the clinic but I know they probably saved at least two lives - an elderly woman and an orphaned baby. We had around 300 people show up this morning to be seen by the doctors. We were able to triage and see around 80 patients because we only had half day to work at the clinic.

We treated babies with infections and malnutrition; people with malaria; adults with various types of wounds, and general medical problems. We have patients who are still there being treated. We will reassess where we are tomorrow.

God has provided.two miracles we had an elderly lady who was very ill and could not afford to go to the hospital as we recommend to her family. Immediately we prayed for God to intervene. We treated her for six hours. She received antibiotics and IV fluids. She also received meds for nausea and pain. When we left today her vitals were stable and she was eating. Praise God!

The construction team was able to get the church footprint laid down, footings started and some manual grading completed. It will take a miracle to complete this huge task.

Keep our work in prayer. There is a very large task ahead of us.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday June 8 - We have arrived

First update from Pastor Brian -

We have arrived safely after dark on Sunday in Baraka . There were a few problems as we traveled. Most of what we experienced is pretty much normal along the rough and dirty road we traveled. But praise the Lord we made it.

Everyone is doing okay but very tired.

Keep praying.............