Africa 2014 Team

Saturday, June 14, 2014

June 14 - Everyone is Working Hard and a Muslim Believes

Construction on the church is progressing. We moved dirt for the grading while everyone was and piling rocks for the footings.

Communication here is difficult with Internet service being intermittent. Friday Paul, Rita, and Shannon made it to Burundi boarder okay. They are on their own from there. [Editors note the following note was received at 6:21 AM on June 14 regarding the group that left on Friday: Just wanted to keep you in the loop, no worries, all is good but the team had some travel issues. Rita called, said they are in London right now (6am) and the flight they were assigned to doesn't exist. Looks like they are going to spend the night there and leave tomorrow. They are with Dan (friend from Kajabe) so all is good.  They also had the same issues with their flight leaving to Nairobi, they had to travel via Rwanda.  Love how our God works, they have a connection (Dan) in London, God got them safely to Nairobi, so they are in London for a reason.]

We showed the Jesus movie for the kids tonight (Friday) for a couple of hundred people. Then on Saturday our progress on the church got us almost halfway finished with the footings. More moving of rocks, tying rebar, and missing cement. 

Pray specifically for Sara P, she tripped and smashed her hand. It does not appear to be serious, Jamie is treating her. Sara wanted to let her mom know that she should not worry, she says she is okay.

Pray for church tomorrow, Sunday, and the evangelism outreach in the afternoon. Everyone is okay - but everyone is working hard. One of the masons who said he is Muslim wanted one of the girls for a wife. He was told we did not bring wives, but Jesus. A woman from the church shared the Gospel with him and he became a believer! Pray for Abdu.



  1. Thank you again for your updates Pastor Brian. The work the team is doing is amazing! Praying daily for all of you, (will lift Sara's hand up!) please pass on to the team, Bless them all!

    Rita, Shannon and Paul update: They are well rested and in route from London (pushed from the gate 15 min ago at 6: 15 am) to LAX. Families are aware.

  2. Hello Sarah, this is your mother. I love you and I know you will be fine. God is the healer, Mom.

  3. Rita, Paul and Shannon update: we are at the airport now picking them up, they are home safe. We will continue to pray for the entire team and specifically for Sarah.

  4. Continued Prayer For The Team & Sarah Hand, Karla P
